Saturday, March 23, 2013

So much to catch up on, almost 2 years of catching up actually. The last time I was hear I had a 3yr old w/cerebral palsy, a 2yr old energetic son, & a brand new 5 month old beautiful baby girl. I've since, recently actually, married the most amazing husband ever, the father of my 3 gorgeous children, in August of 2012. We've just celebrated our 6th year together & a million more years together wouldn't seem like enough. My Oldest daughter is now 5yrs old, my son 4yrs old, and that new baby girl I was telling you about will be turning 2yrs old at the end of this coming April. Cliche' as it may be, time really does pass in the blink of an eye. I left my job about 3yrs ago due to my time being more beneficial spent here, home with my family. And during these last 3yrs I've studied careers, inquired on grants for school, researched the in's & out's of starting my own business.... ready to pounce the second my two oldest made it into school. Feeling like I need to be someone, someone productive, someone providing some sort of benefit to the world around me. I hear Mother's speak of "You are doing something, your raising your children", and it shames me to say that even though I smiled, nodded, and agreed enthusiastically with these Mother's, I still felt like I was somehow not accomplishing enough. This thought process has controlled much of my thinking for most of the 3yrs I've been out of work. Then, almost overnight, a light went off, a realization broke through the fog that cloaked my brain. This happened as I sat on the couch with my 1yr old baby girl laughing so hard tears were streaming down both our faces, looking around my living room at my children & Husband truly enjoying just being with each other, realizing that this life I've been blessed to live for the last 3yrs will be my best memories always. The saying "Be careful what you ask for, you just may get it." ringing in my ears. If I had found a way to make my way back into the working force, instead of using the resources I had to allow me to be here, then I most definitely would have lost so much more than I can possibly imagine. Here, kissing boo-boo's, tea parties, building block parties, pushing their smiling faces on the swings.... even just making their breakfast, brushing their teeth, teaching them good manners, and yes, even correcting them when they step out of line.... these things have let them know that they have a Mother who will always be there when they need her & when they become adults and step into the world, my loving discipline & manners that I've worked so hard to teach will carry them in a direction that will allow THEM to become amazing members of our society. That's something I can always be proud of. My children are my legacy. I'll have plenty of time to make a career for myself, but the years that I've grown with my babies are going and some gone & that is now where my importance lies.

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